Guiding Your Mortgage Journey, Always Available…
We make it easy for you
Your mortgage may have been the best rate or deal for your circumstances when you took it out but when was the last time you reviewed it? The chances are you could be saving hundreds of if you have reverted to a standard variable rate.
Switching your mortgage lender
We do the research
It has become much simpler and more common in recent years to review your mortgage as it nears the end of its fixed term often with free legal fees. It has become a convenient method in which to releasing equity from your property; this could be used anything from a new car, luxury holiday to a deposit on an investment property or gift. The process can be managed efficiently so you take advantage of any rates in the prevailing markets and plan for the short term future better.
When you re-mortgage, you are essentially replacing your existing mortgage loan with a new one, shifting your debt from one mortgage lender to another. Don’t forget to review your mortgage protection is sufficient for any new debt or extended term taken. If you are possibly tied into any longer term mortgage rates our consultants can review this to see if you would be better off even with paying a penalty.
There are thousands of remortgage products available from our comprehensive lenders panel and Dezrez Mortgages will look to find the best remortgage deal that works for your circumstances.